Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday Weigh-in

190.4. Or, as I could put it, pheh. Second gain in a month.

This has been the Week of the Refined Carbohydrate, and I need to recommit to Not Eating Crap. One good reason for that is the number on the scale this morning. Doesn't matter if I am eating a decent amount of calories if the calories aren't nutritionally valid ones.

Having a look at my FitDay stats, my calorie intake is actually up 13% this month from last month, and my protein/fat balance has gone to the dark side.

My average stats for February to date: 1549 cal, 27% fat, 51% carb, and only 22% protein.

For January: 1366 cal, 23% fat, 51% carb, and 24% protein.

Doesn't look so terribly different, except that the carbs are not the happy fun carbs, they're white-flour carbs.

Someone help me climb back up on the healthy eating wagon...

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