Friday, February 2, 2007

Week 4 Weigh-in for the Deep End of the Pool

Woo and Hoo - today the scale says 191.4. That's 8.6 down since we started 5 weeks ago, and 15.4 gone since DH and I got on track in mid-December. Very good news.

There was a small run-in today with some little mince pies...three to be precise. And I imagine there will be a further encounter with one more mince pie today, but I'm planning on that one.

A meeting at the preschool post "mince pie madness" went really well (I am the chair). I needed a good kick to get planning and paperwork back on track, and this meeting did the trick. We have assignments and suspense dates and all that targety goodness. I'm really upbeat about getting all our ducks lined up and up-to-date in the next couple of months. The OFSTED inspectors can come at any time, and they dooo like to see that things are running smoothly with paperwork. The sessions themselves are going well, as they always have since Lily's been going, but it's the paperwork that'll kill you.

Tonight's dinner - chicken with a mushroom sauce and brussels sprouts, and a movie with the kiddies afterward in the telly room. Hello SmartPop!!

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