Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What I Did for Me Today

Today, I got some great activity in. Chrissie and I hit the track and walked five laps, yakking the whole way. That is 1 and 7/8 miles, I believe. We also walked a good quarter mile there, and back. I felt so energized afterward.

Now? Still feel good, except that my shoulder is KILLING me. Completely not walk-related, but it hurts, boy... It feels like the joint is pinching something so the whole arm is sore and achey. Took Tylenol and am waiting for relief, please, thank you very much.

Toni suggested a great challenge in the comments on my other blog, in my post [rant] about sodium in foods. How about a month of no processed foods? I think it's a fantastic idea. I'm not take the big leap, but I can see that it would make such a difference. Right now, my ready meals are a big portion control crutch, so I have to think about ways and means for a bit.

1 comment:

Annalea said...

You know, after my second baby, we were eating really well: whole foods, lots of beans & brown rice (the beans were canned, but I was careful to get ones that didn't have anything other than beans, water & salt), lots and lots of veggies, and no white flour, bread, milk or refined sugar. We did use honey, but that was about it for sweet stuff. Organic butter and cultured dairy were occasional things--a couple times a week, tops.

The neat part was, I ate as much as I wanted, and I lost the weight I had gained during the pregnancy pretty easily. I literally stuffed myself on vegetables, beans and brown rice, and that was all it took. We ate meat occasionally, and in small amounts (a pound of organic ground turkey cooked with onions and tossed into a big pot of beans, for example).

I have a theory (which is currently being borne out in my life, btw), that portion control is only important if you're eating things from the SAD (Standard American Diet). Processed, refined, or otherwise not-whole food. When I try to eat more like the French or Koreans do, I find I don't have to worry about it.

And good for you for thinking ahead, and still pressing on. Despite what I've just said, you make the decisions that are best for you, and keep on going. :o)