Friday, January 5, 2007


Heh, I just wanted to rhyme there. Not too much information, really. At 65 inches tall and 200 pounds my BMI is 33.3. That's in the Obese range. When I get to 179, I will move into the Overweight range. Wheee. Then it's another 30 pounds to the Normal range, so 149 is a non-overweight size for me. That's certainly been true in the past. I'm sticking with smaller goals than that to start; 160 seems like a long way away right now. How much farther is 149? Miles and miles down the road. Check out your own BMI here.


Susie J. said...

blech.... I need to lose 20 lbs before moving into the "overweight" category. And I need to lose 56 lbs to be in the normal range!
Isn't there a "big boned" version of this to make me feel better about myself?

Anonymous said...

Weightloss friends,

For the last few months I have put up with feeling absolutely terrible. I mean... I think my self-esteem is higher than ever...but ironically my weight has just completely ballooned cause I've been too focused on my innner world to be bothered much about my outer self.

Being happy with yourself is so important. But I gotta be honest... carrying around all this extra fat is exhausting and uncomfortable. Yukyuk!

Time for a change. Hope I can count on you all for support!
