Friday, January 5, 2007


I'm thinking maybe I should just live on 1% milk. Check out the ratios here - possibly the Perfect Storm of nutritional values.

1 cup of 1% milk contains 102 calories, only 2.59 g of fat (4% of daily requirements), 9.76 mg of cholesterol (3%), 11.66 g of carbohydrates (4%), and 8 g of protein (that's 16% of daily requirements!!).

It's definitely worth it to mix my own. Here in the UK, at least here in Norfolk, you can buy skim milk, 2% milk, or whole milk. So we buy a carton of skim and a carton of 2%, mix them, and pour back in the cartons. Soooooo very exciting, no?

Today is Official Day One of the Deep End Challenge. I'm really stoked about this!

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